

Methods for reviewing one's year, quarter, week, and day.


Year Review

At the end of every year, I reflect on how it went. Given that I am a big fan of reviews and journaling, this is no surprise.

This review helps in a few ways:

Below is everything that I go over in my year review, with full descriptions further down. Keep in mind these are just suggestions and are individual to me. I add extra notes, links, and media to each entry. Please contact me if you have other suggestions on questions or sections.


My life philosophies tend to be volatile. One year I think this, the next I think that, the next the complete opposite, and so on. Documenting these helps me see how my reasoning and thinking has changed over the years.

A few examples of past life philosophies and questions I've noted down:


This section provides a sense of nostalgia. I review all of these in their entirety.


Goals should be as SMART as possible. SMART goals provide a sense of progress (which can serve as both a motivator and demotivator, depending on the progress made) and an objective measure of when they have been achieved.

Two types of goals are listed: annual (to be completed by 31 December) and time-periodic (e.g., X by 01 June).

Example categories include the following, where the letters can be numbers or specific items related to the noun that follows, e.g., learn 5 skills or learn how to shuffle cards and suture a wound. Be aware of Strathern's version of Goodhart's law, which states that:

When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.

Doing things just to hit a target (e.g., "have C date nights") can ruin the purpose of the goal. I use metrics like these as a reminder to do things and keep myself accountable.

In regards to time periods, I set 1-, 5-, and 10-year goals.


I use RescueTime to track my computer usage and Apple's Screen Time for tracking my phone usage.

Other statistics may include:





Three friendship questions:

Depending on relationship status (dating, exclusively dating, married), other info on that relationship can go here.


These questions identify things in my life that are boosts or drains on my well-being/health/productivity. I can then focus on increasing or decreasing as needed.

Quarter Review

Week Review

These take place on Saturdays directly before my one-on-one session.

Day Review

My daily review goes over my to-do list, followed by:

See Also