
Dallas Training Partner Ad


I currently own a home gym in a northern suburb of Dallas, TX and am looking for serious training partners, long-term or stop-in. Please contact me with your goals and schedule if you are serious about training together. I do not care about your fitness level (within reason), only that you come ready to work. Cost is 100% free.

I want to create a similar environment to that of Gym Jones in the early- to mid-2000s. For a better idea of what that's like, read the following:

I've come to the conclusion that in order to make significant training progress, having a partner or group makes it much easier and more effective. See Alone vs. Team for specifics.


Sessions will generally NOT be traditional weightlifting. Most will be taken from nonprophet's Space Program, or, in other words, flat-out fucking hard.


I am located 45 min (with average traffic) north of downtown Dallas. The gym is in the garage and can extend out the driveway as needed. There is no heat nor air conditioning.

Equipment includes:

See Also